FPF Announces 2020 Student Privacy Pledge Initiative

Aug 31, 19

Nearly five years ago, the Future of Privacy Forum and the Software and Information Industry Association created the Student Privacy Pledge in order to help school service providers make clear privacy commitments to parents, students, and school leaders.  The Pledge has been extraordinarily successful, with more than 350 signatories promising to safeguard student data. The Pledge was endorsed by the White House in January 2015 and is used by many school districts as they review prospective vendors. After years of growth, pledge signatories include some of the world’s largest companies as well as an ever-growing list of the most innovative education technology startups. The Pledge has influenced companies’ practices, schools’ policies, and lawmakers’ approaches to regulating student privacy.

The pledge holds school service providers accountable to the following:

  • Not sell student information
  • No behaviorally targeted advertising
  • Use data for authorized education purposes only
  • Not change privacy policies without notice and choice
  • Enforce strict limits on data retention
  • Support parental access to, and correction of errors in, their children’s information
  • Provide comprehensive security standards
  • Be transparent about collection and use of data

Originally posted on studentprivacypledge.org

WSIPC - Committed to the Student Privacy Pledge!

At WSIPC we are committed to student data security, and so are our partners! Through our Purchasing Program, we connect schools to a network of RFP Bid technology solution providers compliant with RCW 28A.335.190.The following WSIPC Software Partners and Purchasing Program Partners have signed the Student Privacy Pledge:

The following WSIPC partners have signed the Student Privacy Pledge:

For more information about the products and services available through the WSIPC Cooperative, contact us at info@wsipc.org or 425-349-6600.

WSIPC is a non-profit cooperative that provides technology solutions (including Skyward), services, and support to K-12 schools. WSIPC’s purpose is to help schools do more with every dollar and to empower them with the tools to work smarter. To learn how your district can become part of the WSIPC Cooperative, contact us at info@wsipc.org or 425.349.6600.

WSIPC. Inspired by education. Empowered by technology.TM