Request for Proposal: WSIPC RFP No. 16-02 for Learning Management Systems
WSIPC RFP No. 16‐02 for Learning Management Systems
WSIPC invites vendors to provide Proposals for solutions that address the software and technology services needs of the K‐12 educational community served by WSIPC. This includes educational
entities primarily in Washington, but could also include Oregon, Montana, Alaska and Idaho. WSIPC also serves Regional Educational Service Districts and associated Public Agencies. We invite responsible proposers to respond to our request for Learning Management Systems.
WSIPC plans to select multiple Vendors to satisfy the diverse needs of the education community. However, each response will be scored based on criteria included in this document. The results of the scoring process will eliminate some responders from further consideration. Our goal is to continue providing the education sector access to the best technology at the lowest possible cost.
Additional desired outcomes of this RFP are to provide Vendors with a forum for educating the K‐12 Community on technology advances and trends within the computer industry and to provide opportunities for Vendors to offer a broad range of cost‐effective solutions to K‐12 Clients.
Contact and Delivery
Any party interested in responding must send a Letter of Interest in writing to the Proposal Coordinator. Sealed Proposals must be received by October 17, 2016 at 3:00 PM (PDT). Proposals received after this time will be returned unopened. At that time, Proposals will be opened and identified by WSIPC or its authorized representative at the above address. WSIPC is a public entity, so all proposals are subject to public review. WSIPC reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals, and to waive any informalities or irregularities in the Proposal or the process. No proposal may be withdrawn within 90 days of the date proposals are opened.
The sealed response must contain two hard copies and a USB drive containing an electronic version. Address your proposal to:
Penny Dooner, Proposal Coordinator
2121 W. Casino Road
Everett, WA 98204‐1472