Coronavirus – Stay Informed

Mar 02, 20


We know you are worried about the coronavirus and we share your concerns. We are tracking the situation closely, and we will follow all recommendations from the Washington State Department of Health to keep you safe.

What’s the current risk?

According to the Washington State Department of Health, the immediate health risk from COVID-19 is considered low. There are currently no recommendations to cancel public gatherings or to close offices or schools.

What are the symptoms of Coronavirus?

The symptoms are similar to flu or colds and may include runny nose, headache, cough, sore throat, and fever.

Protect yourself and others

Wash your hands, cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing, and avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth.

If you are sick, please stay at home.

Stigma will not help to fight the illness, ground yourself in the facts
It is important to remember that, while this virus was first identified in China, it is not linked to any ethnic or racial group. Please use and share reliable sources of information on the novel coronavirus and read the article, Stigma will not help to fight the illness, for details on reducing stigma and bias.

Stay Informed as information is changing frequently

You can find current information about the coronavirus on these sites:

The Washington State Department of Health has established a call center to address questions from the public. If you have questions about what is happening in Washington, how the virus is spread, and what to do if you have symptoms, call 1-800-525-0127 and press #.