Comcast Offers Two Internet Essentials Promotions for Low-income Families
Comcast, one of WSIPC's sponsors at WASWUG, is offering two promotions for low-income families through its Internet Essentials Program.
Six Months Free Internet for Low-Income Families
Available August 4th — September 20th. Internet Essentials kicks off back to school season with a nationwide, complimentary six-month offer, discounted computers and free digital literacy training for eligible families. [Download PDF] Learn more »
Amnesty Program for Low-Income Families
If Comcast customers have an outstanding bill that is more than one year old, then as long as they meet all the other eligibility criteria, they can apply to the program and we will provide amnesty for that back due bill for the purpose of connecting to Internet Essentials. [Download PDF] Learn more »
About Comcast Internet Essentials
As the nation's largest Internet service provider, Comcast is spearheading an ambitious and comprehensive broadband adoption program. Called Internet Essentials, it addresses all three of the primary barriers to broadband adoption research has identified:
- A lack of understanding of how the Internet is relevant and useful
- The cost of a home computer
- The cost of Internet Service
Available to families with children who are eligible to receive either a free or reduced price school lunch under the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) in more than 4,000 school districts in 39 states plus the District of Columbia, the goal of Internet Essentials is to help close the digital divide and ensure more Americans benefit from all that the Internet has to offer.
Eligible participants can apply online or call 1-855-8-INTERNET (1-855-846-8376). Visit to learn more and help spread the word.
WSIPC is a non-profit cooperative that provides technology solutions, services, and support to K-12 public and private schools. WSIPC’s membership includes 9 Educational Service Districts and more than 280 school districts, who represent nearly 730,000 students in over 1,500 schools throughout Washington State.
Members receive a powerful line-up of student, business, HR, and reporting applications, along with an array of premium technologies. WSIPC’s innovative structure is designed to help schools do more with every dollar, making us an invaluable investment that will grow with your school’s needs.
Press Release contact:
Kristi Barrios
Marketing and Communications Specialist
(425) 349-6600